Thursday, April 22, 2010

We visited the second Church on our boat pilgrimage Holy Trinity Church in Hull. They are currently awaiting their new vicar and the day we hoped we might be able to entertain them on our boat in Hull Marina was last Monday and that is a day that the Church is closed. Instead we went to Holy Trinity Church on Saturday 17.04.2010 and had a wonderful reception from all the staff. The picture above shows Veronica McKenzie, Jean Fenwick, Gordon Barley(The verger) Gordon Kirkby, Margaret Nicholson, Una Beswick and Diana and me. We have been on many occasions to Holy Trinity Church but always to services and never to have a good look around. This time we took the opportunity to really see how magnificent it is inside and out. We learnt that it is in the guinness book of reciords as the largest Parish Church in England and has been in existence for over 700 years. In fact the current church founded in 1285 and completed in 1425 was the third church on this site.
William Wilberforce the abolitionist MP for Hull was baptised in the font which dates from 1380. The Church has a long and interesting history. We were invited into the back room for coffee and cake and given a truly warm welcome. Our next post will be setting off from Beverley Bec k on Monday 19.04.2010 at 07.00 Hrs.

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