Thursday, April 29, 2010

Boston and the Wash

We arrived in Boston on another beautiful day and managed to moor free of charge more or less in the centre of this wonderful old market town. We were here last year on our recce trip and it really is a splendid place. Unfortunately Canon Whitehead who is the vicar of St Botolph's church (The Boston Stump) had only just returned from holiday as he was caught up in the volcanic ash air problem. To add to his woes he had developed a bad cold. Consequently he had not had time to arrange trips for his parishioners on our boat. He did however come and meet us and we had a picture taken of us all inside the church. We are now trying to do a trip with him and his parishioners on our way home in later August. It did mean we were able to leave a bit earlier and the tides were right on Tuesday 27th April 2010 for an attempt at crossing the Wash. We sailed at 08.30 hrs on a fairly complicated course to avoid a lot of sandbanks out into the Wash and returning towards the Wisbech channel which is the entrance to the River Nene. We went out on the ebb tide and waited at anchor for the tide to turn so we could go up the River Nene on the flood tide. There was a fair bit of shipping about but we were able to go up before they could so we avoided them. The weather on the Wash was flat calm, good visibility and no wind. Ideal for us.

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