Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Peterbough boat trip

We returned to Peterborough on Monday 10th May 2010 by car. The boat had been at the 'Dog in The Doublet' lock over the weekend where the mechanics came to assess the problem with the engine. We thought it was fairly simple but sadly not. We have managed to break a piston ring and require the engine to be taken out and repaired. However it still went albeit not very well and we took the view that the damage was done so we would use it to fulfill our obligation to the Peterborough Cathedral congregation. On Tuesday 11th October we were therefore on station and met Mr and Mrs Ian Wilson, Sonia Hitch and Mary Jones who are all pictured above. They were delightful companions and we went for a two hour trip up the River Nene to Ferry Meadows and Back to the Embankment by the theatre in the centre of Peterborough. Ferry Meadows is a park which has been made from a series of lakes and is very popular with the local people for walks, sailing and many other activities. It is a wonderful amenity on the outskirts of the city. Our trip involved going through a lock, which has the classic River Nene guillotine gate at one end and the conventional opening wooden gates at the other. The engine behaved itself reasonably well and we managed the trip without any problems. The weather although a little cold was fine and we enjoyed it and hope our guests did as well. They very generously gave to the appeal following the trip, for which we are most grateful.
The next stage was taking the boat to the Peterborough Boat Centre where Stuart Holmes the owner has kindly given us permission to allow our mobile mechanic to work on the engine next Tuesday 18th May 2010. Gary the mechanic hopes to complete the work in a day. We shall see. In the meantime Diana and I have returned home to North Newbald and will return to the boat on 18.5.2010 hopefully to proceed with our journey.
Money has continued to come in from various sources for the Church stonework appeal and we are looking forward to receiving a further update from our vicar Michael Bushby over the next few days.

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